History In The Making...
In October 2005, Arctech Fabricating was part of a Guinness world record setting event, making a 12 foot diameter, 2020 lb, edible pumpkin pie in New Bremen, Ohio. In September of 2010 we a part of breaking our 2005 Guinness world record with a 20 foot diameter, 3699 lb, edible pumpkin pie. In both cases we made the pan for the Guinness record setting events.
What's Next?
We continue to grow and add further capabilities to our in-house processing. During the the past few years we have added such items as CNC machining and turning to service the quick turnaround prototype jobs. We have also added resistance spot welding to our list of processes through the purchase of two spot weld machines. Visit our Equipment page to view a complete list of equipment held by Arctech.