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AFI Certifications

Arctech Fabricating, Inc. is a privately held, company, founded in 1992 and incorporated in 1995. Our corporate leadership has an extensive history in aerospace industry management. From 1992 to today, our company focus has been to provide sheet metal parts, fabrications, and welding services to such industries as transportation, defense, food service, and energy.

Arctech employs a staff trained in engineering, welding, weld inspection, tooling, production control, material handling, and general labor. The Arctech work force is geared toward meeting the specialized welding and fabricating needs of today’s fast-paced industry.  We offer high quality certified welding of stainless steel, aluminum, and tool steels, as well as precise fabrication of weldments and sheet metal products, and are equipped to handle fast turnaround prototypes as well as high and low quantity production.

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Weld Certifications

Here at Arctech Fabricating we have thrived over the years through our ability to make a tough job simple. One of the areas that seems to be in constant need by all of our customers is certified welding. The certification needs vary from project to project, so we have developed and maintained qualification under various certification processes including both commercial and military needs. We do work with all types of materials including mild steels, stainless steels, aluminum, and various exotic materials. Listed below is a partial list of welder certifications we stay current on:

Industry Welding Codes

ASME BPVC Section VIII -  Welding Pressure Vessels Division 1 and Division 2 
ASME BPVC Section IX - Welding and Brazing Qualifications 

AWS D1.1 - Structural welding (steel) 
AWS D1.2 - Structural welding (aluminum) 
AWS D1.3 - Structural welding (sheet steel) 
AWS D1.6 - Structural welding (stainless steel) 
AWS D9.1 - Sheet metal welding 
AWS D17.1 - Aerospace fusion welding

Aerospace and Defense

MIL-STD-248 – Welding and Brazing Procedure and Performance Qualification

General Electric
P1TF51 – General Specification for the Manufacture of Support Equipment
P1TF55 – General Specification for the Manufacture of Support Equipment
P8A-AG1 – Gas Turbine Fusion Arc Welding
P8TF3 – Gas Shielded Arc Welding
P8TF11 – Gas Tungsten Arc, Gas Metal Arc and Plasma Arc Welding

Raytheon Defense – Fusion Welding
NASA – Fusion Welding
Navistar – Fusion Welding
US Army TACOM – Fusion Welding

Petroleum and Oil Field Industry

API 1104: Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities
3723000000 – Weld Specification
13EP1011-01 – Weld Specification

FDA Food Grade and Sanitary

Food Grade Weld and Polish

Additional Certifications

Additional certifications are in many cases specific to a particular industry. An example would be the petroleum industry. There are specific API standards that must be held with regard to the welding requirements. We keep current records on our welding equipment, having each calibrated as to the amperage and voltage output of each. We maintain records of all certifications and calibrations as received from both our internal and our independent testing sources.

Certified Weld Inspector

We have AWS QC1 Certified Weld Inspectors on staff. This allows us to certify our own weld processes and approve welds completed for your certified jobs. This will eliminate the waiting time and other costs associated with scheduling a certified weld inspector to approve in process and completed work. Our goal is to become your one-stop weld source.